5 Easy Oahu Hikes for Those Who Love Nature But Hate Hiking

Chillin’ on Waikiki Beach, sippin’ a cocktail from a pineapple – life’s pure bliss, right?

Then, out of the blue, someone suggests hiking. On vacation. Seriously?

Your initial reaction? Maybe chuck that pineapple their way.

Hold up!

Sure, you dig nature, but an easy Oahu hike sounds way better, right? No post-hike stairs struggle ruining your vacation vibes.

Guess what? I’ve got the top 5 breezy hikes on the island. Views? Check. Waterfalls? Absolutely!

Best part? Anyone, any age, any fitness level can rock these hikes. Even if hiking isn’t your jam. (Fun fact: These were the first 5 hikes my hubby and I tackled moving to Oahu.)

Yep, real hikes for the anti-hiker crew.

So, put that mai tai down, slip into actual shoes, and let’s roll for awesome pics and memories.

Let the adventure begin… 

First, You’ll Need a Car

First things first – you gotta have a car. Sure, you can book a tour, but truth be told, doing these on your own with a rental car is a breeze. And when it comes to rental cars in Hawaii, going local is the smart move. 

My Top 5 Best Easy Hikes on Oahu (that won’t kill you)

Best Easy Hikes on Oahu

Quick heads-up: I’ve personally tackled all five of these hikes, most of them more than once. I’ve ranked them from a walk in the park to a bit more challenging.

In my view, all but one are family-friendly. (Although, your kids – you know them better than I do. Trust your instincts.)

1. Waimea Falls Trail

Waimea Falls Trail

Swimming in Waimea Falls North Shore Oahu

Swimming in Waimea Falls

This hike is like a scene from a Hawaii-themed movie – waterfalls and botanical gardens, perfect for the whole gang. Whether it’s the kids or the grandparents, (just don’t forget your wallet) the Waimea Valley trail on the North Shore of Oahu is a family favorite and one of the island’s most popular hikes.

Waimea Falls Hike Quick Facts

Waimea Falls Hike Quick Facts

Location: North Shore (1 hour from Waikiki)

Cost: Entry fee to Waimea Valley required – $25/Adults

Parking: Available, included with entry fee

Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 9 am-4 pm. Closed Mondays.

Elevation & Distance: 1.5 miles roundtrip, almost as flat as a pancake

Time: 1 hour for the hike (add time to swim)

What You’ll See: Waterfall & botanical gardens 

Why you’ll love the Waimea Falls Hike

Why you’ll love the Waimea Falls Hike

This is hands down the easiest hike on the island (and that’s why it’s my fave – no shame!). You stroll through a botanical garden, essentially nature someone else arranged in a pretty way, and end up at a waterfall.

Views of *Waimea Valley** from the trail*

Waimea Falls Easy Oahu Hikes

Our favorite easy Oahu hike!

It’s a blast and one of the best kid-friendly hikes on Oahu. Also, it’s among the simplest and most fantastic waterfall hikes around.

But here’s the kicker – you can actually swim at that waterfall!

So, if taking a dip in a Hawaiian waterfall is on your Bucket List, here’s your golden opportunity.

Why it’s easy

The trail is all paved, with a few gravel paths branching off for more exploring. Take your time and wander these gravel paths.

No steep climbs here – the paved road is mainly flat with gentle hills suitable for almost any fitness level. Facilities? Plenty. Restrooms and snacks are at your service.

Why it’s hard

The only tough part? Coughing up the admission fee to hit the trail.

Don’t forget: Bring a change of clothes if a swim is on your agenda. Swimming depends on waterfall conditions. At 9:00 am each day, a lifeguard makes the call. If swimming is your deal, ring (808) 638-7766 after 9:00 am for the day’s swimming status.

2. Makapu’u Point Lighthouse Trail

Makapu’u Point Lighthouse Trail

Amazing views from the Makapu’u Lighthouse trail

Located along Oahu’s stunning south shore, this is one of my favorite hikes on Oahu for panoramic views. It’s also the best place on Oahu to spot humpback whales on a clear day during the whale season months of December to May.

Makapu’u Point Lighthouse Hike Quick Facts

Location: Southeast Oahu (30 minutes from Waikiki)

Cost: Free

Parking: Free (but don’t leave anything in your car)

Elevation & Distance: 2 miles roundtrip, 500-foot elevation gain

Time: 1-1.5 hours

What You’ll See: Ocean views and possible whale sightings 

Why you’ll love the Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail

Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail

Three words: Views. For. Days.

The Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail is the holy grail of easy hikes on Oahu with big rewards. In fact, this paved path is easily the most scenic of Oahu’s easy hikes.

Even better? It’s totally free. And there’s parking. It’s an embarrassment of Oahu hiking riches, and that’s why it’s one of my favorite easy hikes on the island.

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Makapuu Lighthouse Hike Oahu

Makapu’u Lighthouse

Why it’s easy

This is literally a paved trail all the way up. You can bring younger kids, Grandma, and the dog and still make it to the top. (If you do bring a dog, be sure to bring shoes for him; the asphalt trail gets hot!)

I often see people in flip-flops pushing strollers hiking this trail (though I don’t recommend the flip-flops, and you’ll want to hold on tight to that stroller on the walk back down!).

Makapuu Lighthouse Hike Whale Watching Oahu

A stop to look for*whales along the trail

Plus, during whale season, the whales often make an appearance to cheer you on (or maybe it’s their mating season, but let’s not split hairs). And there are plenty of places to stop along the trail and appreciate the glorious views.

Why it’s hard

The only downside of this trail is that there’s zero shade anywhere. You’ll be exposed to full sun for the entire hike, so be sure to prepare for that. And though it’s fully paved, it’s still a decent incline heading up that hill.

So just keep in mind that this one is not a flat trail and will take a little effort, especially if you choose to do it in the middle of the afternoon under full sun.

Don’t forget: Sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water (there’s nowhere nearby to buy it). And it bears repeating, do not leave anything visible in your car in the parking lot – even a phone charger.

3. Diamond Head Crater

Diamond Head Crater

3. Diamond Head Crater

Honolulu View from *Diamond Head***

Views over Honolulu from the top of *Diamond Head***

If you’re looking for a great hike close to Waikiki, this is the one to do. It’s busy, so you’ll be surrounded by people who are equally miserable or strangely into it, but the incredible views from the top are totally worth the effort. You’ll see Waikiki, the vast Pacific, and maybe even that mai tai you left behind on the beach.

Diamond Head Trail Quick Facts

Location: 5-minute drive from most Waikiki hotels

Cost: $5 (reservations required!)

Parking: $5

Hours: Trail open daily, 6 am-4 pm

Elevation & Distance: 1.6-mile roundtrip, 560-foot elevation

Time: 1.5-2 hours

What You’ll See: Sprawling downtown Waikiki and the ocean 

Why you’ll love the Diamond Head Crater Hike

The Diamond Head hike is the iconic hike to do in Waikiki. If you only attempt one hiking trail while you’re on Oahu, this is the one. The best time to do this hike is in the early morning. Like the Makapu’u Lighthouse trail, there’s no shade, and it gets hot later in the day.

On a personal note, this hike is super special to my husband and me because we got engaged at the top.

Engaged on *Diamond Head** Waikiki*

Sunrise engagement on *Diamond Head!***

Diamond Head Crater Hike Views of Waikiki

Views over Waikiki from the top of *Diamond Head***

Why it’s easy

Though it’s not paved, there are helpful handrails along the parts with uneven surfaces (which is most of the trail). The slope is gradual and winding for most of the trail, making it easy for most fitness levels.

Diamond Head Crater Easy Oahu Hikes

More views from the *Diamond Head** trail*

Why it’s hard

The most challenging part of the Diamond Head State Monument trail involves 99 stairs straight up midway through. And then there’s another 76 stairs to reach the top. I won’t lie to you, the stairs suck. But just take them at your own pace and you’ll be fine.

Diamond Head Hike Stairs

Another set of stairs to the top!

Diamond Head Trail Stairs

One set of stairs to the top!

(Sidebar: If you’re a little bit unbelievable and actually enjoy stairs like this, check out the Koko Crater trail; it’s a steep climb that’s ALL stairs – 1,048 of them to be exact – and has no place on this “easy hikes” list.)

Don’t forget: The most important thing about this one is you MUST make a reservation in advance. And those early morning reservations are tough to score, so book well in advance.

4. Manoa Falls Trail

 Manoa Falls Trail

This jungle-style trail through the lush Manoa Valley is sure to satisfy your inner Tarzan without all that scary danger stuff. Located just a short drive from the Waikiki hotel zone, the Manoa Falls trail is one of the best hikes near Waikiki. It’s also one of the most popular easy waterfall hikes on Oahu.

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The waterfall is much more impressive in the wetter winter months, but it’s still worth the hike in the summer (when the picture above was taken).

Manoa Falls Trail Quick Facts

Location: Manoa area (15 minutes from Waikiki)

Cost: No entrance fee, just parking

Parking fee: $7

Hours: Trail open daily, 6 am-6 pm

Elevation & Distance: 1.6 miles roundtrip, 800-foot elevation

Time: About 1-1.5 hours

What You’ll See: Trees, plants, and a WATERFALL 

Why you’ll love the Manoa Falls Hike

Why you’ll love the Manoa Falls Hike

Do you like the idea of trekking through the jungle but worry about encountering a snake, a spider, or worse?

Fear not. Manoa Falls offers all the scenic beauty without the scary critters. And at the end, you’ll find a waterfall that looks like something out of a Disney movie or Jurassic Park (especially during the rainy season).

Swimming’s not allowed here, though. Yes, you will see people down at the base of the waterfall. These people are ignoring the posted sign that warns of falling rocks. Don’t be these people.

Why it’s easy

Because of its shady jungle vibe, most of the trail here doesn’t get much sun. Which makes it a great place to beat the heat on a sunny day.

Why it’s hard

The downside of all that shade is that the trail conditions are often damp and muddy. And that can make it slippery in some places. My advice is to wear good shoes (not flip-flops!) and take extra care going back down the trail if you want to avoid landing on your backside.

5. Lanikai Pillbox Hike

Lanikai Pillbox Hike

View of Lanikai Beach from Pillbox

Amazing views of the twin islands from the top

I’m just going to say it…I don’t think this hike is easy. I actually consider it a moderate hike. But it seems to appear on every list of “easy Oahu hikes,” so let’s discuss, shall we?

Would I recommend that my parents do this hike? No.

Don’t get me wrong, they’re in fantastic shape. In fact, they walk 4 miles a day (that’s more than I can say!). But they are in their 70’s and the possibility of a slip and fall on this hike is real.

Would I recommend this hike for small children? Definitely not.

Personally, I have enough trouble navigating the Lanikai Pillbox Hike myself, much less trying to guide a child safely through it. The last time I did this hike, as I was nearing the end of the trail, lowering myself down the last stretch slowly using the handy safety rope, I passed a man with a baby strapped to his chest on his way up.

Now, I’m not one to judge, but unless you’re in great shape and have done this hike before, please don’t try it with a baby strapped to you.

For grown-ups in decent shape and teenagers with sturdy shoes, this hike is fine. Just take it slowly.

Lanikai Pillbox Hike Quick Facts

Location: Kailua (40 minutes from Waikiki)

Cost: Free

Parking: Free (but hard to find!) street parking

Hours: Trail open daily, 6 am-8 pm

Elevation & Distance: 1.8 miles roundtrip, 600-foot elevation

Time: Around 1-1.5 hours

What You’ll See: Military bunkers and Mokulua Islands 

Why you’ll love the Lanikai Pillbox Hike

Why you’ll love the Lanikai Pillbox Hike

Also known as the Kaiwa Ridge trail, the Lanikai Pillbox hike features two pretty cool World War II bunkers. You can stand atop one and enjoy amazing views of Lanikai Beach and the twin Mokulua Islands in the distance.

Why it’s easy

The good news is it’s a relatively short hike. And there are some flat areas along the way that are great for catching your breath and enjoying all those beautiful views.

Why it’s hard

Some say the hardest part of this hike is finding a place to park in this quiet residential area.

Tip: Don’t bother, just park a mile or so away at the Kailua Beach parking area and walk to the trailhead from there. Yes, it adds some time and distance to the hike. But it’s one of my favorite beaches on the island and after this hike, you’ll be ready for a dip in the ocean to cool off.

Now, back to the actual hiking part.

The rocky, gravel parts of the trail are definitely tricky to navigate in some places. There are plenty of areas with loose dirt where you’ll need both hands free to hold onto branches or rocks as you go, especially coming back down.

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You’ll need this rope on the way down due to loose dirt

I’d recommend a camelback for water so you can keep your hands free. But let’s be honest, if you’re looking for easy hikes around the island you probably didn’t pack a camel back. And that’s ok.

Do what I do and finish your bottle of water at the top and throw the empty in your backpack so you have your hands free on the way back down.

Don’t forget: Water, sunscreen, and solid footwear. If you squeezed hiking boots in your suitcase, this is the time to break them out. And either wear something with pockets for your phone and water or bring a small backpack.

And there you have it

My top 5 easy hikes on the island (well, 4 easy, one moderate) for non-hikers. By this point, you’ve probably picked out the least terror-inducing option to try and you’re ready to hit the trail.

But before you do, let’s quickly cover the basic rules of hiking in Hawaii…

Oahu Hiking Golden Rules

Oahu Hiking Golden Rules

Whether you’re in search of an easy hike on Oahu or a more challenging adventure, there are several essential guidelines that do apply to all hikes:

1. Stay on designated trails

I cannot stress this enough. I swear, on every single hike we’ve done, we’ve seen people purposely veer off of designated trails. Don’t know why people insist on doing this. I get it, you want that great Instagram shot.

But honestly, give it a rest.

Stick to the marked trails and paths while hiking. Not only can you harm delicate ecosystems, but you’ll definitely increase the risk of an accident or rescue situation. And I’m quite sure making the local news is not on your Hawaii must-do list.

2. Respect closures and advisories

Respect closures and advisories

Pay attention to any trail closures or advisories due to hazardous conditions or ongoing preservation efforts. These closures are put in place to protect you and to preserve the environment.

Perfect example: Every time we go to Manoa Falls, we see people wading in the waterfall pool, even though this is clearly in violation of the posted signs. Don’t be these people. These are the people who end up on the news.

Manoa Falls Oahu Trail Dangers

3. Leave nothing behind

Pack out what you pack in. Bring those empty water bottles back out with you and dispose of your trash and waste. Help keep Hawaii’s natural areas pristine. It’s the least you can do as a guest here.

So yes, you can take a hike in Oahu…

Even if your idea of exercise typically involves curls of the 12-ounce variety.

In any case, these 5 easy Oahu hikes prove that you can balance Hawaii’s natural beauty with your natural inclination to do absolutely nothing strenuous on your Hawaiian vacation.


In conclusion, Oahu offers a variety of easy hikes that cater to those who may not consider themselves avid hikers. From the serene Waimea Falls Trail, where you can enjoy a botanical garden and a refreshing waterfall, to the scenic Makapu’u Point Lighthouse Trail, providing panoramic ocean views, these hikes are tailored for all ages and fitness levels.

The iconic Diamond Head Crater Hike offers an unforgettable experience with breathtaking views of Waikiki and the Pacific, though it requires navigating some challenging stairs. For a jungle-style adventure, the Manoa Falls Trail beckons with lush surroundings and a picturesque waterfall.

Even though the Lanikai Pillbox Hike leans towards the moderate side, it rewards hikers with military bunkers and stunning views of Lanikai Beach. Overall, these easy Oahu hikes strike a balance between nature appreciation and minimal physical strain.

So, whether you’re a nature lover with a preference for leisure or someone seeking a break from the typical beachside relaxation, these Oahu hikes provide a perfect opportunity to explore the island’s beauty without an overwhelming commitment to strenuous activity. Lace-up those shoes, embrace the adventure, and discover Oahu beyond the mai tais and beachside lounging.

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