Waihee Ridge Trail Hike, Maui: Complete 2024 ✅✅ Guide

The Waihee Ridge Trail begins at a parking lot around 1,000 feet above sea level. Right from the start, you’ll face a short, steep climb of 300 feet on a concrete path next to a fenced private property. This is the most challenging part of the trail, but don’t let it discourage you!

But let me tell you, the windward side is a hidden gem! Lush rainforests, stunning mountains, and beautiful beaches await you.

Make it a priority to spend a day here, and trust me, the Waihee Ridge Trail is the way to go! Nestled in the West Maui mountains (Mount Kahalawai), this hike is part rainforest, part scenic wonder, and a taste of what makes this side of Maui so special. Don’t miss out! 

Ready for an adventure? The Waihee Ridge Trail hike is one of Maui’s hot picks, but fair warning, it’s no walk in the park if you’re after an easy stroll.

This trail brings the challenge! With a steep climb of 1,500 feet and trails that often get wet, muddy, and slippery, it’s not for the faint of heart.

But, oh boy, is it worth it! Brave the conditions, and you’ll be treated to lush valleys, thick green forests, and jawdropping panoramic views of oceans and mountain ranges. The Waihee Ridge Trail is nature’s rollercoaster – are you up for the ride? 

Waihee Ridge Trail Hike: Fast Facts

Waihee Ridge Trail Difficulty

Waihee Ridge Trail Difficulty

Thinking about tackling the Waihee Ridge Trail? Brace yourself, it’s no cakewalk – it’s rated as a hard hike.

Here’s the lowdown: You’re in for a twomile uphill climb to the ridgeline summit and then another two miles back down. Sounds intense, right? Well, here’s the scoop – except for that initial steep stretch, the climb isn’t confused. No need for ninjalevel climbing skills, and you won’t be wrangling ropes either. They’ve got wellmaintained steps on the steeper parts, making it doable.

Now, why the hard rating? Blame it on the rain! (Welcome to the windward side of Maui!) The trail gets slick on the muddy and rocky bits, and even when it’s not raining, those lowhanging clouds keep things damp. My advice? Tread carefully, especially on the descent – that part’s a bit trickier, rain or shine. Take it slow and steady!

Waihee Ridge Trail Length

Waihee Ridge Trail Length

Get ready to clock in some miles! The Waihee Ridge Trail spans about 4 miles roundtrip, and it’s an outandback trail.

Now, before you think it’s a walk in the park, let me drop a truth bomb – it’s all climbing, whether you’re going up or down. No flat stretches here!

And here’s a pro tip: If you park in the overflow parking lot, toss in an extra two miles to your hiking journey. That’s one mile to the trailhead and another mile back to your car. So lace up those hiking boots, embrace the climb, and enjoy the scenic adventure!

Waihee Ridge Trail Elevation Gain

Waihee Ridge Trail Elevation Gain

Let’s break down the nittygritty of the Waihee Ridge Trail!

Elevation Gain: Brace yourself for an elevation gain of around 1,500 feet, spread out fairly evenly. That’s roughly 800 feet per mile, so get ready for a climb!

The kickoff from the parking lot, on the concrete path, is probably the steepest part. Once you conquer that, the rest of the trail offers more manageable inclines. Plus, the second half boasts handy steps on the ridge climb – a saviour in wet conditions.

 Waihee Ridge Trail Time Taken

 Waihee Ridge Trail Time Taken

Time to Conquer: Plan for about 3 hours to complete the Waihee Ridge Trail. Now, here’s the scoop – we took our sweet time, stopped at lookouts for photos, and had a good chat with fellow hikers at the summit, adding an extra hour.

But here’s the twist – some folks take even longer, especially on foggy days. Waiting for better views can stretch it to four hours or more. And hey, heads up, it’s a favourite running trail too – you might spot some speedsters gunning for their personal best!

What about Kids and Dogs on the Waihee Ridge Trail?

Kids and Dogs on the Waihee Ridge Trail

Alright, let’s talk about bringing the kiddos and furry friends to the Waihee Ridge Trail!

Dogs: Good news for dog lovers! They’re welcome but must be on a leash. We spotted a few furry pals tagging along.

Kids: Now, families with older kids were spotted, but a heads up – we didn’t see any with the little tots. Why? Well, this hike is a bit of a challenge, and you definitely don’t want to end up playing the role of a toddler carrier on those inclines.

But hey, if your crew consists of older kids, you’re in luck! There are benches and even a picnic table at the summit. Perfect for a scenic picnic or frequent breaks if the kiddos need them.

However, here’s a piece of advice – if the trail’s not in topnotch condition (aka wet and rainy), it might be wise to leave the little ones at home. Safety first, right?

Getting to the Waihee Ridge Trailhead

Getting to the Waihee Ridge Trailhead

Time to map out your journey to the Waihee Ridge Trailhead!

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Location: Find this gem on the windward side of Maui, snug in the West Maui Forest Preserve.

Distance from Lahaina and Kahului: Approximately an hour from Lahaina and just thirty minutes from Kahului. Easy peasy!

Navigation Tips: Pop “Waihee Ridge Trail Kahekili Highway Wailuku HI 96793” into Google Maps or your GPS for a smooth ride.

On the Road: Cruise along Kahekili Highway (US 340) and spot Maluhia Road right across from the Mendes Ranch. Look sharp – it’s just before mile marker 7. Keep an eye out for a red sign leading to Camp Maluhia, a key landmark near the trailhead.

Parking and Trailhead: Head uphill on Maluhia Road, and after about 0.8 miles, voilà! The main parking lot for Waihee Ridge Trail awaits, right after crossing Camp Maluhia. You can’t miss it. Look for the Waihee Ridge Trail sign on a fence, and there are even two portapotties near the trailhead.

Heads Up: As you gear up for your adventure, take note of a sign urging precautions against spreading the speedy Ohi’a death. It’s a fungal disease that’s sadly taken down over a million Ohi’a trees, a vital part of Hawaii’s native flora. Let’s do our part to protect the environment!

Read Also: Hike Sleeping Giant Trail, Kauai

Waihee Ridge Trail Parking

Waihee Ridge Trail Parking

Time to sort out your parking game plan for the Waihee Ridge Trail!

Options Galore: You’ve got two parking choices in the Waihee Ridge Trail arena.

Option 1  Trailhead Lot: The primo spot! Super convenient, but here’s the catch – it can fill up, especially later in the day. Pro tip: If you’re a dawnpatrol type, you’re in luck! The gate swings open at 7 am and shuts shop at 7 pm. Keep in mind, it can squeeze in about 40 cars. By 10 am, I often played the novacancy card. But hey, a little patience goes a long way – we waited around 15 minutes for a spot.

Option 2  Overflow Lot: Need a backup? Cruise to the overflow parking lot after turning onto Maluhia Road. It’s about 0.8 miles from the trailhead. Generally, this one’s a bit more forgiving on the space front, unless it’s a buzzing weekend. But here’s the kicker – parking here tacks on a couple of extra miles to your hiking journey. Choose wisely!

Best Time to Hike the Waihee Ridge Trail

Planning to conquer the Waihee Ridge Trail? Set that alarm early, my friend!

Optimal Time: The sweet spot is the crack of dawn – early morning is where it’s at.

Gate Open: The parking lot gate swings wide open at 7:00 am, so that’s your green light. Hold your horses before that, though – no point kicking off your adventure before the gate unlocks.

Parking Perk: Beat the crowds! Parking can be a headache later in the day, so snagging a spot early is a win.

Weather Wisdom: Here’s the kicker – the morning weather is usually on your side. Clear skies, stunning views along the ridge and summit – what more could you ask for? As the clock ticks on, clouds waltz in, and by late morning and afternoon, fog might just play the spoiler. Plus, half the hike (the ridge part) offers no shade, so trust me, you want that early morning coolness. Say no to the heat and humidity later on.

Waihee Ridge Trail Map

Waihee Ridge Trail Map

Waihee Ridge Trail Information

Embarking on the Waihee Ridge Trail? Let me fill you in!

Starting Point: Your journey kicks off from the parking lot, chilling at an elevation of about 1,000 feet.

First Steps: Ready for action? Brace yourself for an immediate challenge – a short but steep climb of 300 feet. This leg involves conquering a concrete, paved path snaking along a fenced, private property. It’s the toughest incline of the trail, so hang in there! No time for discouragement, you’re just getting started!

Rainforest Trail

Rainforest Trail

Welcome to the Rainforest Trail section of the Waihee Ridge adventure!

Gate Number Two: Once you stroll through the second cattle gate, buckle up for a mudsplashing journey through a picturesque forested area.

Green Surprise: Hold onto your hat – evergreen trees in a tropical rainforest? Believe it! Fun fact – these aren’t native. Sailors, on the hunt for mast wood, planted them here years ago. Take a pause to admire a grove of Cook’s pine trees – a bit out of place, but undeniably stunning. The symmetrical lines spill the beans on their planted origin.

Dive into Tradition: Ready for the real rainforest deal? Your path leads you through a classic rainforest scene, featuring a lush blend of grass, ferns, ohia, orchids, eucalyptus, kukui nut trees, and fruity delights like guava and ginger.

Guide in Your Pocket: Spot something intriguing? If you want the lowdown on Hawaiian plants, trees, and flowers, check out our detailed guide. Nature’s got some stories to tell.

Midway Viewpoint (roughly a mile)

Midway Viewpoin

Get ready for a midhike treat at the Midway Viewpoint, roughly a mile into the Waihee Ridge Trail!

Scenic Pit Stop: As you hit the ridgeline section, voila! There’s a viewing platform waiting for you, complete with safety fencing.

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Epic Views: Brace yourself for jawdropping scenery! Look down, and you’ll see the lush Waihe’e valley stretching below, with the Waihe’e river gracefully snaking through.

Panoramic Beauty: On a clear day, feast your eyes on Kahului, Maui’s largest town, and catch a glimpse of the Haleakala area. Although, fair warning, the crater summit often plays hideandseek behind clouds. Nature’s surprise, always.

Ridgeline Trail

Ridgeline Trail

Time to conquer the Ridgeline Trail on the Waihee Ridge adventure!

Ridge Revelation: Gaze from the viewpoint, and there it is – the Waihe’e Ridge Trail making its way up the mountain ridges.

Heights Alert: Steady heads, please! Like many Hawaiian ridge hikes, this one comes with steep and abrupt dropoffs. If you’re good with heights, you’re golden.

Trail Traits: Fear not, the trail is wellmaintained and reasonably wide. No need for a nervewracking narrow trek. Encounter sets of steps on steeper ridge parts to keep you steady.

Bird Bonanza: Nature’s symphony! Keep an eye out for Hawaiian birds, from common mynas and warblers to apapane, amakihi, and iiwi. Some are Hawaii exclusives, endangered, and protected. Admire from a distance and, if you need a bird ID, check our detailed guide on Hawaiian birds.

Twists and Turns: As you journey on, brace for some switchbacks and a couple of false summits. It’s all part of the trail charm leading you to the ultimate trail finale. Keep trekking, you’re almost there!

Summit Viewpoint

Summit Viewpoint

Congratulations, trailblazer! You’ve reached the pinnacle – the Summit Viewpoint at the end of the Waihee Ridge Trail!

SkyHigh Peak: You’re standing tall at the summit of Laniili, Hawaiian for “sky skin,” at an elevation of 2,563 feet. Feel that accomplishment!

Scenic Spot: The viewpoint welcomes you with a wooden platform, safety railings, a fullsized picnic table, and benches – a cozy setup up in the clouds. And the burning question – how did they get that table up there?

Panoramic Perfection: Prepare to be wowed! A 360degree panoramic view unfolds – gaze down to see ocean waters far below, extending beyond the lush Waihee valley. Turn around, and catch a glimpse of the Haleakala side of Maui, even though the crater tends to play peekaboo behind clouds.

Nature’s Canvas: On the sides, soak in the sight of the West Maui mountain ranges, blanketed with lush rainforest greenery. Deep valleys weave through the base, adorned with streams and rivers. Mother Nature’s masterpiece!

Return Trek Reminder: Enjoy the view, but stay cautious on the journey back, especially if the trail decides to get muddy and slippery. Safety first!

Hawaiian Birds to Spot on the Waihee Ridge Trail Hike

Ready to play birdwatcher on the Waihee Ridge Trail? Here’s your guide to some Hawaiian avian beauties!

1. Warbling White Eye: Keep an eye out for this charmer with a distinctive white eye ring.

2. ScalyBreasted Munia: Look for scale markings on the chest of this beauty.

3. Japanese Bush Warbler: This one’s a bit elusive, but you might catch its melodious song.

4. RedBilled Leiothrix: A showstopper with a striking yelloworange breast.

Bonus Sighting: If you’re lucky, you might spot a couple of red Northern cardinals – absolute stunners!

Tips for the Hunt:

 Sharpen those peepers.

 Equip yourself with a trusty pair of binoculars.

 Patience is the name of the game.

Happy bird spotting on the Waihee Ridge Trail!

Tips for Hiking the Waihee Ridge Trail

Hiking the Waihee Ridge Trail

Time for some savvy tips to rock your Waihee Ridge Trail adventure!

1. Weather Wisdom: Keep an eye on the everchanging Waihee Ridge Trail weather. Be rainready with a light poncho in your backpack.

2. Footwear Matters: Strap on sturdy hiking shoes – trust me, you’ll thank yourself later. Trekking poles are a bonus, given the expected mud and slipperiness.

3. Bug Battle: Arm yourself with bug spray, especially during dawn or dusk in the forested areas. Those mosquitoes won’t know what hit them!

4. Sun Smart: No shade on the ridge section, so pack sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat. Shield yourself from that Maui sun!

5. Hydration Hero: Load up on water and snacks. The trail’s hot and humid, and dehydration can sneak up on you, especially during the climb.

6. Early Bird Wins: Set that alarm! Start your hike as close to 7:00 am as possible. The early bird gets the best views and experience.

7. Tech Prep: Forget about phone service on the trail. Download maps and directions beforehand. Though the trail is well marked, it’s always good to have a tech backup.

Now you’re armed and ready for an epic Waihee Ridge Trail escapade! 

What Else to Do near the Waihee Ridge Trail?

Post Hike cravings or looking for more adventures near the Waihee Ridge Trail? Here’s the scoop:

Satisfy Your Hunger: Ula Ula Cafe

Head over to the Ula Ula Cafe along the Kahekili Highway near the golf course. It’s a farm to table food truck dishing out tasty Hawaiian delights crafted from locally sourced ingredients. Acai bowls, macadamia nut encrusted mahi mahi, and tropical macadamia nut smoothies are sure to hit the spot!

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Afternoon Delight: Mendes Ranch Horseback Riding Tours

Want more action after your morning hike? Dive into horseback riding tours offered by the nearby Mendes Ranch. Hawaiian cowboys, known as paniolos, run this show. Our kids had a blast on the highly rated Maui HorsebackRiding Tour, guided through scenic trails with breathtaking views of the ocean and countryside.

Now, you’ve got the perfect plan for a full day of exploration and delicious treats near the Waihee Ridge Trail! 

The Best Maui Tours

Looking for the best Maui tours? These top rated guided adventures are sure to make your Hawaiian getaway unforgettable:

1. SmallGroup Road to Hana Tour:

 Kick back and soak in the stunning views without the stress of navigating hairpin bends or hunting for parking at popular stops.

2. Haleakala Sunrise Tour:

 Witness the breathtaking sunrise atop the volcano without the hassle of reserving a parking spot or driving up in the dark.

3. Maui Whale Watching Raft Tour:

 Get up close and personal with massive humpback whales at eye level! Choose between an adventurous raft tour or a more relaxed boat whale watching experience.

4. Maui Snorkeling Excursion:

 Dive into the underwater wonders with a snorkeling trip that combines the Molokini Crater and Turtle Town – the island’s two most epic snorkeling destinations.

5. 7 Line Maui Zipline Experience:

 Glide over the lush forests on the north shore of Maui, enjoying ocean views and tackling obstacle course challenges on this thrilling 7line zipline adventure.

6. Oceanfront Luau in Wailea:

 Experience the magic of a Hawaiian sunset with a buffet and traditional Polynesian entertainment. Choose between an oceanfront luau in Wailea or one in Kaanapali.

Make the most of your time in Maui with these incredible guided tours!

Renting a Car in Maui

When it comes to exploring Maui, having wheels is key! Here’s the lowdown:

Car is King: The best things on the island are scattered far and wide, and public transport is a bit of a noshow. So, if you’re dreaming of venturing beyond your base, snagging a rental car for your Maui adventure is the way to go.

Top Pick: Discover Cars:

We swear by Discover Cars for Maui car rentals.

They cast a wide net, checking out various rental car companies, from budget to big names, to score you the sweetest deals.

The best part? Free cancellations and no sneaky hidden fees. It’s all out in the open!

Ready to hit the road and uncover Maui’s hidden gems? Discover Cars has your back! 

Where to Stay in Maui

Choosing where to stay in Maui is like picking from a buffet of options! Let’s break it down:

1. Vacation Rental Vibes

More space? Check. Cooking your own meals? Check.

Head to VRBO for a peek at vacation rentals. Filter by areas like Kihei, Kapalua, or Wailea to tailor your stay.

2. Resort and Hotel Haven

 Craving that classic resort or hotel experience? You got it.

The west side is your goto, offering a plethora of choices from swanky resorts to cozy hotels.

Pro Tip

 West Side Wonderland: For the majority, the west side steals the spotlight. Resorts, hotels, and vacation rentals await your selection.

Where to Start: VRBO:

Kick off your accommodation quest by exploring VRBO. We’ve tried Kihei and Kapalua – the choices and quality hit the mark.

Ready to make your Maui stay dreams a reality? Dive into the options that suit your vibe and base preference! 


Embarking on the Waihee Ridge Trail Hike in Maui is an immersive journey into the island’s lush landscapes, offering hikers a captivating experience. The trail, known for its breathtaking views, diverse vegetation, and varying terrain, caters to both novice and seasoned hikers. With its well-maintained paths and informative signs, the hike provides an opportunity to explore Maui’s natural beauty while learning about the local flora and fauna. The panoramic vistas of Waihee Valley and the coastline unfold as rewarding highlights, making this trail a must-visit for those seeking an enriching hiking adventure on the island.

As hikers ascend through different ecological zones, the Waihee Ridge Trail showcases Maui’s ecological diversity, from dense rainforests to open grasslands. The cool and misty conditions along the trail create a refreshing atmosphere, enhancing the overall hiking experience. With its accessibility from various parts of the island and the chance to witness stunning landscapes, the Waihee Ridge Trail stands out as a captivating outdoor activity for nature enthusiasts and those eager to explore Maui’s scenic wonders.

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